Armor System Overhaul adds 27 armor pieces to be worn over other armors and outfits.
Now with Leveled List Integration!
(for real this time!)
Requirements:ALL DLC's UPDATE: INSTALL MANUALLY THE TEXTURE AND MESHES FOLDER! I've been out for a long time and the way mod managers work has changed, they put the texture and meshes on a folder outside the NV directory so if you have any red exclamation marks on your mod, I advise you to install manually the texture and meshes folders, but first DONT FORGET TO MAKE A BACKUP OF THE MESHES AND TEXTURE FILES FROM YOUR NV DIRECTORY OR ELSE YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO UNINSTALL IT.
(that's all, I guess)
Inspired by Fallout 4, this mod allows you to craft armor pieces, bags, belts and scrap some low level armors and outfits in order to get their components. To do so you will need the Armorer perkand the Armorer II perk, wich will allow you to craft more powerful and helpful armor pieces.
This mod adds 5 misc items that are used as components : Metal Plate, Cloth, Leather, Malleable Metal and Combat Armor Materials.
- To get Metal Plateyou must scrap armors wich have metal on them or take a scrap metal over a campfire and make "malleable metal", then take this to a workbench with a hammer and BAM, Metal Plate.
- You can get
Cloth only by scrapping some outfits, like the pre war ones and etc.
- To get
Leather you can scrap some outfits or taking any gecko or coyote hides to a workbench.
- To get Combat Armor Materials you need to scrap Combat Armor on a workbench. (Only the Combat Armor and it's black variant).
Instructions about how equiping armor pieces over other armors actually works in game. Read this, please. So, like in Fallout 4, not all armors and outfits are compatible with extra protection, like the leather arm, metal chest etc. To prevent clipping, only some armors and outfits can be worn with those extra protection armor pieces. If an armor already has shoulder and/or chest protection, they won't accept extra chest or shoulder protection. Duster based armors like the sherff duster or bounty hunter armor won't accept chest protection either, NCR Veteran Ranger, Desert Ranger and Riot Gear armors won't accept shoulder neither chest protection. Arm protection armor pieces can only be worn with armors that have no sleeves, or if the armor sleeve is "tight", like vault suits or the lightweight leather armor, those armors will accept all armor pieces.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I made changes to some vanilla armors, just their body slots, DT and some effects to balance them with the features from this mod. So any mod that changes those values will be incompatible. Oh, I didn't touch the power armors because I play with some mods that already makes cool changes to them.
Recomended mods to play with this:
Some armors with "pocket" models on them and some satchels, sackpacks and bags gives a small/medium extra carry weight, wich can be very helpful if you play with low base carry weight. I play with 25 base carry weight with no strength multiplier, this can be tweaked using
Project Nevada, also other features that changes the items scarcity that improves the gameplay. To make the game more hardcore you can install Realistic Weapon Damages, and Economy Overhaul, wich will fit perfectly with Armor System Overhaul.
Project Nevada : ( )
Project Nevada Extra Options : ( )
Economy Overhaul : (
Realistic Weapon Damages : ( )
This is my first mod!
- Some armor pieces can't be worn with certain armors to avoid clipping, but there may be some minor ones.
- There may have some bugs, I haven't tested it yet. The mod is 97% finished, there are some things that I want to add in the near future.
- Please, report any bug that you find.
- Please, post screenshots, I would post myself, but I play on a potato toaster and you would throw up after seeing how low res I play.
I DIDN'T MAKE ANY OF THESE MODELS! Only the geck editing, so, all the credits go to these awesome guys who took their time editing those models and more:
fizz99- for the TS Outfit mod. ( )
biohazard19x- for the FNV Armor and Gloves Addon mod. ( )
watto44- for the Satchels mod. ( )
Proximitus- for the Lone Wanderer Protection Kit mod. ( )
captainhero5- for the Craftable Hockey Gas Mask mod. ( )
And of course thanks to Obsidian and Bethesda.
Be Incredible
- Mikey Downling